Tuesday, July 13, 2010

8 YEARS...and counting

Our first official dance together. It was the pajama dance in November 1996...

Then our first Prom in 1997...


Summer river trips (I look like Magda)...

Then off to college in 1998...

Our first X-mas card in D.C 2003...

Serious stuff...

Then a couple kiddos by 2007...

Still partying in June 2010!
Wow, seriously I was laughing out loud at all the pics, cards, and love letters I found in storage last night. We've been together for 14 years and married 8 of those. It has been a CRAZY journey but I wouldn't change a thing. Now with #3 on the way I'm sure we will have another event-filled year ahead of us. Happy Anniversary PK.


  1. OH MY GOSH!! Happy Anniversary!! So happy for you guys.

  2. LOVE this post! You guys are and awesome couple and great friends. Congrats on 8 years almost to the double digits!!

  3. You guys are SO cute. Love all the pics.
