Thursday, December 23, 2010

Harper Xmas performance

All dolled up & ready to go.

Opa Dana, Grandma Judy, Remi, Ella, & Harper.

She was so excited to get flowers. Good job Harp, we love you!

Proud sister Ella

Great Grandparents & Remi...precious.

Harper had her Christmas performance on Tuesday evening. She sang "Away in a Manger" and "10 Little Angels". The teacher gave Harper the microphone during one of the songs....WOW she can belt it out! It was so cute. She was so proud of herself.

Ella's PJ day & Harper's craft day @ school

Ella got to go to school in her Pj's on Friday (last day before xmas break). She loved it!

Harper felt left out so I took a pic of her too:)

Harper made reindeer ears at school today. So darn cute!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ella's Santa sighting...


After seeing Santa at Harpers preschool this morning they were pumped to go see him at the their "fancy" clothes.

Harper's X-mas celebration @ school...

First she made her very own gingerbread house...

Then she played...

Then a surprise visit from Santa!

Only Harper would pull his beard.

Ella was by far the MOST excited.


No sure...

Not a fan.

2 months

She has the sweetest little dimple on her right cheek.

Ears. Love her.

Family pics

We had our first "official" family photos taken. They turned out pretty great. Remi wasn't in the best mood and it was FREEZING, but we definitely got a few great shots.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ella's 5 yr & Remi's 2 month check up...

Weight: 47 lbs=75%
Height: 45 inches=95%
BP: 98/62
Pulse: 100
Doctor said Ella is extremely healthy. Way to go Ella!

Weight: 10 lbs 10 oz. =50%
Length: 23 1/2 in.=85%
Doctor said she is perfect! Wooohooo!....She also said her eyes are BLUE. I told her that I thought they could change color...she said "those eyes are going to stay blue!"....I am sad.

Ella got Remi all cozy with a blanket and dolly and read her a book. It was the cutest thing.

I think Remi really was listening.

Big Sister Harper will do ANYTHING to get a chance to hold Remi. She loves her so much!

Our X-mas Tree

The girls were so thrilled to decorated their OWN tree this year. They were so cute to watch. Ella was telling Harper where exactly to hang each ornament...wonder where she gets that from :)
So beautiful!

Love my girls.

Our Trees.


This year Thanksgiving was suppose to be at my Grandma's (Nans) house but she was cleaning her windows and fell off the ladder. She's okay but hurt her tailbone pretty bad. Anyway, since she wasn't feeling up for hosting we had a small Thanksgiving at our house. Just us and my parents. It was also my mom's Birthday...happy b-day Mom!

Are these really the ONLY pics we took on Thanksgiving???!!!
Cheeeeeeese balls!

Happy birthday Mamoose!

Disneyland for Ella's b-day!

I got the pictures from Ella's "surprise" trip to Disneyland with her Opa & Abuelita. They turned out great! They had so much fun. She got to spend 2 nights at Disneyland, have breakfast with all the characters, and be made over into a beautiful princess...what else can a 5 year old ask for!!! Thanks Opa & Abuelita for an amazing birthday! Love you so much!

Mateo & Ella

The plaque with their names on it.

At Disneyland!

Being made over into a princess

So pretty!

Mateo, Auntie Rica, & Ella

It snowed!

Time for bed.